Diakon Youth Services receives state grant to support vocational training
Boiling Springs, Pa. (Thursday August 18, 2016)

Vocational training provided to at-risk youths served by the Diakon Wilderness Center just received a boost from a state grant designated for the purchase of equipment and supplies for the center’s culinary skills training program.
Based at the wilderness center, the Center Point Day Treatment Program received a $12,948 grant from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency and the Department of Human Services’ Bureau of Juvenile Justice Services to support culinary skills training.
Center Point is a day treatment program that provides individualized instruction for students who struggle in a traditional school environment. In addition to academic skills, the program’s curriculum includes vocational training in automotive mechanics, culinary skills and landscaping.
The recent funding represents the third annual commission grant to the Center Point program. Center Point’s goal is for every student to be a successful graduate and a productive and contributing member of the community.
The grant funding assists affiliates of the Pennsylvania Academic and Career/Technical Training Project to reduce recidivism and improve at-risk youths’ outcomes, as well as promote success and achievement in their work, schools, and community. PACTT grant funding is made available through the Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Initiative to advance academic and career/technical training among adjudicated youths.
For further information, please contact:
William Swanger, M.A., APR
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
(717) 795-0308
E-mail: swangerb@diakon.org