The Compassionate Care Fund: Helping People When They Need It Most

Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes urgent needs arise that can feel overwhelming. Our Compassionate Care Fund is here to provide timely support to individuals and families served by Diakon programs facing unexpected challenges. Our fund is designed to offer immediate assistance where it's needed most.

Examples of Support:

  • An extended family member unexpectedly becomes the caregiver for a child placed in their care due to the parents' inability to provide a safe environment. Their home may not be equipped to accommodate the child, needing items like a bed, clothes, or child-proofing supplies. The Compassionate Care Fund can help cover the costs of preparing the home to meet the child’s needs, ensuring a smooth and safe transition.
  • A single parent loses their job unexpectedly and falls behind on rent. Without immediate financial help, the family faces eviction, which could lead to the children being placed in foster care. The Compassionate Care Fund can help cover rent and utilities, keeping the family together and in their home.
  • An individual experiences a severe mental health crisis but lacks insurance or the means to pay for immediate therapy or counseling. Without prompt intervention, their situation could deteriorate rapidly. The Compassionate Care Fund can help cover the cost of urgent mental health services, including therapy sessions or helpful medication.
  • A senior recently widowed cannot afford to pay for necessary services like home care or meal delivery after a sudden health setback. Without these services, they risk malnutrition or further health complications. The Compassionate Care Fund can help provide temporary assistance to ensure they receive the care and support necessary for their well-being.
  • Your donation to the Compassionate Care Fund ensures that when life takes an unexpected turn, there is a safety net in place to catch those who are most vulnerable. Together, we can make a difference, offering hope and support during life's most challenging moments.

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