Behavioral Home Health Plus
Behavioral Home Health Plus (BHHP) is a program through CCBH Clinton/Lycoming County for adults ages 18 years and older who have serious mental illness (SMI) and medical concerns.
The program is vital as those who are diagnosed with an SMI tend to have unmet medical needs, which can result in additional problems for their physical and mental health. The physical health concerns are up to and including obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, asthma/COPD, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension.
BHHP integrates care between mental health providers, primary care physicians, psychiatrists, case managers, and wellness coaches to decrease clinical gaps and improve quality of life. Wellness coaching is an integral part of BHHP, allowing patients to guide their treatment in the domain they feel they need to address the most, whether it is their physical health, getting more sleep, or developing new patterns/routines to assist with day-to-day functioning.
The BHHP team at Diakon consists of the clinical director, wellness navigator, clinicians, peer support specialists, and outside entities involved with patient care.
For more information, please call 570-322-7873.