What are Diakon’s greatest needs?
Those needs vary year to year. We are continuously focused on helping where it is needed most throughout our Diakon Child, Family & Community programs that serve children, families, youth and adults of all ages. We have several special funds set up such as the Second Chance Fund and Compassionate Care Fund that meet critical needs. All gifts, of any size and designated for any Diakon program, are welcome!
Can I leave a gift to Diakon in my will?
Absolutely. In fact, much of today's ministry would not be possible without the support of donors past who have left bequests for our organization. For more information on this vital form of support, as well as on other planned giving opportunities, please email KindallM@diakon.org.
What types of gifts does Diakon accept?
Diakon accepts gifts of cash, stock and other investments and planned gifts (such as charitable gift annuities, IRA rollover dollars and insurance policies).
What type of organization is Diakon?
Diakon and Diakon Child, Family & Community Ministries are both nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable social service organizations. Diakon is an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America through Lutheran Services in America; it serves primarily in Pennsylvania.
Do you serve only Lutherans?
Absolutely not! Lutheran social ministry organizations represent the theological foundation of the church in reaching out through service to help all people, regardless of their personal faith or faith journey.
Can I restrict my gift for a specific use, program or community, and how?
Yes, you can restrict your gift by providing a clear written note of explanation attached to your contribution, writing a note on the memo portion of your check or by using the drop-down giving option on the Diakon website.
Whom do I call for a personal contact?
Please call 717-795-0308 to speak with Melissa Kindall, Vice President of Communications & Advancement. You may also send an e-mail to Tracy Boyer, our executive assistant.
What is the financial stability of Diakon?
Diakon is a fiscally sound organization that has weathered any number of challenging societal conditions over 155 years. In fact, our strength and commitment to staff have earned us awards and a positive reputation among banks and other financial institutions. Our annual report, found on this website, provides details on our financial position for the last two years.